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dissabte, 29 de maig del 2010

Un nou i extraordinari testimoni sobre els fills Brunetti

I [...] had brought with me three or four impressions of Amico's [Viotti's] Print, & I sent one two days ago, framed, with a corresponding letter in Spanish, to poor Vaccari, who is very low in health & spirits, so much so that his dejection nearly amounts to an alienation of intellect. His undeserved expulsion from the King's service through de intrigues of rivals who are unfit even to rosin his bow, has been the cause of it: but my present and letter gave Mad. V. [Madame Vaccari, Luisa Brunetti] (who is just the same as when you knew her) sincere pleasure, & she immediately invited me to a private concert at their house given yesterday morning, where for the first time since I have been in Madrid I heard something like music. Vaccari himself through distressingly grave & silent plays as well as ever, & Mad. Vaccari's brother, [Francisco] Bruneti, is a prodigy on the Violoncello, quite equal to Duport & Crosdill & very superior to Lin[d]ley. A female pupil of Vaccari's executed one of Amico's [Viotti's] concerto's [sic] on the violin, & this was almost too much for me, those sounds not having vibrated on my ear since they last came from the "parent-lyre" --- Amico's print occupies the most distinguished place in Vaccari's drawing room, & though the poor man's finances are probably slender his habitation is excellent, being the rez de chaussée of the hotel of the Duque de Tamame's.
George Chinnery [?] a Margaret Chinnery, Madrid, 4-VII-1825. Dins Denise YIM, Viotti and the Chinnerys: a relationship charted to letters, Ashgate, 2004.

2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Realmente extraordinario. Hace falta encontrar testimonios de éstos para darle vida a los archivos. ¿1825? ¿No son los años de aquello de la botillería de Canosa?
Hasta pronto,

Fernando (lector tuyo)

Lluís ha dit...

Sí sí, son los mismos años. Tengo que consultar dos libros sobre Viotti en los que se habla mucho de Vaccari. Parece ser que eran grandes amigos. Por el comentario sobre madame Vaccari, la hija de Brunetti debía de ser una mujer espléndida en el sentido simpática, amable y educada. Y vaya testimonio sobre Francisco, ¡a la altura que Duport! Lo más bueno es que a pesar de las finances slender y de las depresiones vivían como reyes, en la planta baja de un palacio y con una sala para cuadros y grabados...

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